Kilos to pounds
Converting Kilos to pounds

In this section you will learn how to convert Kilos to Pounds, and Vice Versa.

Let’s start off with looking at converting Kilos to pounds.
86 kilos into pounds:

Step one, multiply the kilos by TWO.
To do this, just double the kilos.

86 x 2 = 172

Step two, divide the answer by ten.

To do this, just put a decimal point one place in from the right.

172 / 10 = 17.2

Step three, add step two’s answer to step one’s answer.

172 + 17.2 = 189.2

86 Kilos = 189.2 pounds

Let's try:

50 Kilos to pounds:

Step one, multiply the kilos by TWO.
To do this, just double the kilos.

50 x 2 = 100

Step two, divide the answer by ten.
To do this, just put a decimal point one place in from the right.

100/10 = 10

Step three, add step two's answer to step one's answer.

100 + 10 = 110

50 Kilos = 110 pounds