Tutorial 80
Squaring special numbers (6's and final 7)

  1. Choose a number with repeating 6's and a final 7.
  2. The square is made up of:
    • The same number of 4's as there are digits in the number;
    • One fewer 8;
    • A final 9.


  1. If the number to be squared is 6667:
  2. The square has:

    four 4's (number of digits
       in number)              4 4 4 4
    three 8's (one fewer)              8 8 8
    a final 9                                9

  3. So the square of 6667 is 44448889.

   See the pattern?

  1. If the number to be squared is 667:
  2. The square has:

    three 4's    4 4 4
    two 8's           8 8
    a final 9             9

  3. So the square of 667 is 444889.